
Mission Statement

It is our goal to represent the best European terroir-driven wines in the United States. As a national importer and New York based wholesaler, we strive to represent the finest wineries in each European viticultural area. This begins with family-owned estates, and with people who respect the wine-making tradition of their region while utilizing the best that modern knowledge can contribute to the quality of the wines. That respect begins in the vineyards, where sustainable, organic or biodynamic practices are common amongst the estates we represent.

By curating a portfolio of traditionally-made wines, we are committing to adding value to the establishments with whom we partner. We hold ourselves to be among the most knowledgeable and professional wine industry members, and to maintain the strictest of business ethics. This mandates temperature controlled settings for all our wines, as well as long-term partnerships with our producers.

The wine trade serves towards the betterment of society through discovery of the world and the grapes grown there. We are therefore committed to helping our employees, and those drinking our wines, enjoy a more fruitful and enjoyable lifestyle through education. We welcome the opportunity to maintain a sense of culture with our partners, customers and fellow wine-lovers.

Company Biographies

The Friedbergs' PicBill F.

Knighted by the French Government for his achievements, Bill has played a large part in creating the market for fine wine in Massachusetts. For 25 years, William directly imported and distributed European wines in Boston and the surrounding areas.

It was in 2006 that Bill sold his Boston Wine Company to Winebow, a former supplier of his. His is a short retirement, providing valuable experience to the company.

Adam Friedberg

Certified in Enology by the University of Dijon and recipient of a Master’s in medieval history at the Catholic Institute of Paris, Adam comes from a distribution background. He has worked in the Metro New York marketplace since 2007, building relationships with other talented wine professionals in the on and off trade.  Burgundy is as a second home to him, having spent his childhood summers there, as well as lived in Beaune for many a vinification (not to mention playing rugby for the second team at Nuits-Saint-Georges).